Why you need to put a knife to your throat….

I like beautiful things. Whatever is beautiful is beautiful, whether we make an apology for it or not. I’m growing, and I do hope in my prime and life, I’d enjoy the best on this side of the world, and most especially, the best in the world to come. Now, the best in this world comes in many shapes and sizes. Some in cars, others in houses, yet others in assets, contacts, positions, epaulets, and what have you.

And you’d be surprised what human beings are ready to do to get them.

My sister and I got pondering on the subject some days back and she recounted an eerie story that allegedly took place in the city of Yaounde. Yaounde is the capital of Cameroon, and one of its busiest cities. It’s adorned by people of all walks of life, and mind you, there’s often stuff that leaves mouths wide agape.

So, her story goes thus: “There’s this beautiful woman, quite attractive who would often go shopping at a particular supermarket. Almost all the young ladies working there would admire her skin, tell her how beautiful she was, how attractive her skin was, and how they’d love to have such skin, have the glow. She would simply smile, and say ‘thank you’, and move on with her shopping. This went on for quite some time. Each time they’d tug her to tell them her secret, but she’d simply smile, get about her shopping, and so it went. Then came a day when one of the ladies so pressed her, and she said ‘come, I’ll show you what I use to have such great skin”.

Now pause!

What’s in having such great skin that workers at a supermarket will get so distracted about, and will bother a client so much so that she’d want to answer you just to ‘get rid’ of you?

Now, I’m no advocate for mediocrity or lack of self-care, or selfishness, or what have you. It is good and proper to share safe and healthy tips for the betterment of our neighbour. So far from discouraging… but…

So back to the story. “She took the young girl out to the parking lot, placed her goods inside the car and asked her to open the boot. The young girl did. She opened the boot and lo, she was thunderstruck – a big snake! And the lady told her this ‘this is the secret of my beauty. This snake has to lick my skin every one hour, and that is why my skin is this glowing and attractive. Whatever I am doing, when it strikes the hour, I must get into my car for it to lick my skin”.

Eeeeewwwweeeee….. I type this and can’t help but picture such a terribly disgusting, diabolic and outrageous sight. But yes, that’s what she has to do to earn that “glowing and attractive skin”.

“And after saying that, the woman dropped dead”, my sister said.

The young girl screamed out loud; people rushed to her, and so we know what had transpired. As to what ensued after that, I cannot tell, but for sure, nothing positive. To say the least, the woman with the glowing and attractive skin was lying there, dead!


You can dismiss this as fable or tale. But this is real. If this isn’t, several like this are. We’ve heard and read countless accounts of how people have had to do despicable things and make galactic sacrifices in order to get the “beautiful things of this world” – name them – cars, positions, houses, promotions, fame, attraction, etc.

At what cost?

Why not put a knife to your throat?

Once again, this is no apology for mediocrity. It is good to work hard, and every worker, and hard worker deserves and will have their pay. But why go to such lengths to have a semblance of wealth, power, authority when at night, one can’t close two eyes and enjoy peaceful sleep?

Why have a car you can’t put down the windscreen for natural fresh air?

Why have a house you can’t sleep in for fear of the eerie dread that strikes at nighttime?

Why occupy a position you’d have to eat your own excrement or defile your own mother or lust after a mentally deranged to preserve it?

Why sell your soul to the devil when life is served to you undefiled?

I know this sounds spooky and unbelievable to some. But in my part of the world, this is sometimes the least some bow to, to get the things they have on this land of the living. And when I say the least, trust me, I’d imagine the devil himself being marvelled at the eerie concoctions of the human mind when it comes to feeding their shamefaced greed.

So, what’s the way out? Put a knife to your throat!

If that young girl had simply admired the beauty and told herself “I too am beautiful even if my skin doesn’t glow that much”, she wouldn’t be telling such a sorry tale.

You mustn’t trade your peace for commonplace things of this earth. You mustn’t trade your soul for the fame of men. Oh, you mustn’t, you mustn’t.

I’d have said, shut your eyes, hold back your hands, and you’re safe. But you know, often these things come wagging their tails like a dog begging for attention. You can’t help seeing them. For most, you cannot do selective attention.

What you must, and can do, is selective retention, and that, is by putting a knife to your throat – and this simply means – RESTRAINT!

Don’t be greedy, don’t be envious, don’t shine your eyes on what someone else has. You mustn’t necessarily  have it, and from experience, you wouldn’t want to pay the price they’re paying to have what they have. So, have restraint on your desires, your wants, your affections.

Matthew Poole, commenting on Proverbs 23:2 says “Put a knife to thy throat; restrain and moderate thine appetite, as if a knife or some other thing stuck in thy throat, and hindered thee from swallowing what thou didst desire…”.

And Ellicott’s commentary puts it that “Use the strongest methods to keep thine appetite in check, if thou art likely to give way to it…”.

And I’d conclude by saying – “Use the strongest methods to keep thy desires in check”.

(c) Images – Mashed/ Biblepic

The cross – Gethsemane

Jesus at Gethsemane

Cocktail of sweat and blood

Weeping before the Father

Deciding if to throw in the towel.


The devil smiling nigh

Bringing in the hordes

Judas and his cohorts

Come with clubs and sticks


Jesus saying Yes Father

Not my will but Thine be done

He laid it there and picked the crown

Victory was His already on high


Out to the cross He strolled along

Whippings yes. Insults yes.

But that’s the show for men to see

The victory won on the cross  – Gethsemane.


And as all men saw and the veil was torn

The devil gnashed his powerless teeth

And Jesus smiled and said it’s done

It was in Gethsemane when I laid My will.

(c) Image – The Word Among Us

The Gambia Six-logy 6 – For Christians too!

This is a wrap to my Gambia six-logy. During my weeklong trip to this West African coastal beauty, I was thrilled by the many novelties I saw, the crocodile pool, bathroom of fertility, insightful museum, peaceful beaches, and what have you. And also, I was glad to find so many churches within its streets.

Maybe you hesitate to come to The Gambia because you hear it’s an Islamic State? I’d admit the Adamawa region of Cameroon looks more “Islamic” than this Islamic country. Is it one even? Well, the president said it is but… you definitely should visit The Gambia!

It’s on the papers that The Gambia is an Islamic country. That doesn’t mean there aren’t any Christians or churches within. There are many. I saw buildings of the Catholic cathedral, evangelical and Pentecostal churches.

On Sunday, I went to one. We sang and praised God, and chanted in unison, we are one!

Well, be you Christian, or Muslim, or Hindu or Buddhist, I think The Gambia is a place for all!

A message during our Sunday gathering

And the Word of God to all nations!


Fleetingly they come

That tingling glow

That bliss in snow

Stronger than a blow

It feels like home


I panted like doe

I had no dough

Heart’s got no dough

You were here and lo

Everything now’s a no


If I were but a hoe

Master said to me ‘go’

But you wear your ego

Fleetingly you go

Now no vista to go.


(c) Image – Calmclinic.com

10 things Grief has taught me

Happy new Year 2024.

It’s never too late to wish well, and I really wished to wish… wished to wish… this before January runs out on my side of the globe, but helas! Nevertheless, cheers! Here’s to a brighter 2024.

I hope 2024 started well on your side?

Mine was a continuation of 2023, a rounding off of a long intense painful season in my life that started in November, peaked in December, and slumped in January. It was a chunk of negative and distressing emotions that brought to reality what I’ve read and heard about the grief curve.

Are you familiar with the term – GRIEF?

For the story, my mum took ill sometime last year and her health deteriorated in November. Medical attention didn’t help, and she passed in December. Her mortal remains were laid to rest in January. I grieved, I am grieving and I don’t know for how long it’ll last.

The last time I came across the grief curve was in 2021 when I went through a debriefing session. It ended just on paper. But through these past months, well, hats off to those who developed that science. It is accurate. I’ve found myself slumping back down the curve curve (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance) at times when I thought I was almost out of the tunnel. Now, I’m giving myself time. Time heals all things, they say…. So, time, I give myself, as much as I have!

(c) Medium

Unfortunately, time doesn’t stop somewhere for you to grieve and continue with you or at your pace. It moves. Life happens, life moves. Reality isn’t stuck according to one man’s reality. If it shuts for you, the world’s moving on. And that, is the first lesson I’ve jotted from this experience. And this lends credence to the maxim “you’ve got to move”, or “we move” as I often say. Things move, life moves. Hard truth, but truth all the same!

And for now, I think grief doesn’t really end. Maybe it would when the memory of that person gives peace, rather than pain or tears. I look forward to that time, though I don’t know when or how it will happen.

People grieve differently. This is another reality, truth that needs be told. I’ve understood this even more considering my experience and that of others. We cry differently, different times, different durations, etc. I expect people to respect my grief, and I likewise should respect theirs. Apparent shorter grieving doesn’t mean less love, same as apparent longer grieving doesn’t necessarily mean more affection. Each their way of expression, and to be respected as such. Do not expect others to grieve as you; and do not expect yourself to grieve as others. Know this and know peace!   

People is wealth. Over the last couple of months, I have experienced an avalanche of love, care and concern. It streamed from even people I hadn’t expected. They empathised and really meant well. Then I nailed what I already had known – I am rich. I have people, so I am wealthy. People is wealth, my people. People is wealth! Build your relationships. They are a strong tower around you on days such as those I journeyed through. God uses them to hold your hand, wipe your tears, counsel you, carry you in your weakness. God uses people on earth to reach out to you, and if you alienate yourself from them, you make things difficult for the days of necessity.

No need to fight over earthly property. What does it profit you? When you close your eyes, depending on your belief system, you are put in a cold fridge. No cloth, no jewellery, nothing. She liked using purple nail polish. I bought one and gave the mortuary attendant to use on her. Then the woman reminded me we had also bought gloves. “Madam, this thing is not useful again, nyanga is finished”, she said. Helas! Even the littlest pleasure of earthly things… is finished. I looked at my mother’s house, property, baking “artillery” (she was a food and nutrition/home economics teacher), kitchen utensils, money, clothes, documents, and none of these could aid her in anything. We moved loads of boxes of clothes, things that had to be given out, and I just heaved a sigh! They matter not. Yes, it annoys me when or if my things are misused or anything of the sort. But more than ever, I have learnt to “faire la part des choses”. There are weightier matters in life, and material property, is not one of those! S.E.L.A.H.

No need to keep hard feelings. What does it profit you? This I’d known; and now even more, I’ve understood. When you close your eyes, the persons you were angry at or with do not matter. The beef you kept wouldn’t affect them an inch; rather, it may you, if you hadn’t made peace in your  heart with your Maker concerning it. So, I ask again, if it doesn’t matter, why keep the hard feelings? Why keep the beef?

Life ends suddenly. This I’d known, or rather, I thought I understood. When my mother closed her eyes suddenly, it still didn’t tick. Then I asked myself: “Is that it”? Wow! Is that how sudden this thing happens? Yes. That is how sudden it happens. One second you are here, one second you are no more. One second you are alive, the next second, you are dead. Life ends suddenly; so live and love accordingly. We really do have limited time on this earth. One day, it’ll all end; we’ll all close our eyes and we shall return to dust from whence we came.

Prepare your death! Whatever this means, well, I just say this as I think it. But how much can you really prepare? I cannot tell, I don’t know, but this is what I think. Think it can happen. It is a path of life, so it definitely will happen someday. Do you have a trusted person or trusted persons. Do they know your ins and outs if you close your eyes today? Does anyone know your deep wishes? Are you of age to have a will? Can you give directions for your final days? In my part of the world, we often say the deceased will be unhappy if instructions they gave as to how they want to be buried are not followed, and the like. True or not, family and friends often want to honour you when you are gone. You can do well to share some instructions while you’re still alive. This helps them honour you better, and it gives them some closure.

Love and cherish people while they’re with you, and cherish life as you live it. I have come to understand that life is like smoke. It is now, then it isn’t. As soon as we close our eyes, that is it. So, what do you do in the meantime? Cherish the people you have with you. Love them to the fullest. Create the memories. That is what you will hang on to when they’re no more. Someone said and I paraphrase, “maybe people were not meant to last forever, memories are”.

Do not postpone or procrastinate your happiness. Tomorrow is not given. Today is, that’s why it’s called present – a gift. Enjoy it today! As long as your living and enjoying it doesn’t hurt the other, or hurt yourself, do what you can. Be reasonable of course but do not lay off a good life for tomorrow when you can have it today. Remember, tomorrow is not given. Today is.  

I’ve many things to say. But too much said and too little done is not a takeaway of this season. The contrary is. So, savour, and hope a word or two above would speak to you!

Cheers to 2024!!!

The Gambia Six-logy 5 – Seashells on the beach

The Gambia Six-logy 5 – Seashells on the beach

So, I’m almost done with my Gambia ‘six-logy’ (a term I coined; no idea if it really exists or is in common use. Wiki says it’s called “hexalogy”, but I’d rather go with mine 😊). It’s taken a long while, since 2020 actually, [face covered] but as you’d understand with me, there is no giving up to what needs not be given up on. At the least, we start all over. I shared some thoughts on this some time back.

Now, back to the Gambia, I’ve shared on the crocodile village, the bathroom of fertility, the Kachikally museum and Fajara war heroes cemetery, the Tanji fishing village, and now, I’ve this little but beautiful part of that adventure – seashell-picking on the beach.

It was a lovely evening as the sun bid farewell to the ocean waves, and the last of the sprays kissed welcome to our wearied feet. It was just a sight to behold.

I’ve often imagined what Eden looks like. This in no way compares to the Eden I’ve pictured, but I’m sure this beach has a semblance to the beaches by Eden’s four rivers.

And then I picked some shells. Relics huh! And you could surf. But if like me you can’t, I’d suggest you take classic pics standing on the beautiful beach. 😊

And what could be more peaceful than the waves brushing through one’s feet?

And what could be more soothing that the amassing of corals and seashells the waves gently bring to us from Mother Ocean?

The Gambia has a vast coastline, and thus vast sandy beaches. There are also an array of hotels giving to the beach and others not. I’m sure you can comfortably find a deal that works for you!

Savour the slideshow!

A man of sorrows…

A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief
A life I didn't borrow, but came by will
I lived with furrow, and dug with shrieks 
Deep love from my burrow, so you have no irks

I saw you stutter and grow to bloom
I made you stronger and hoped you'd groom
Your siblings and babies to make some room 
For me and My Father to wipe the gloom

But lo you grew and slammed the door
I watched you laugh and mock the poor
You spewed just grime and walked in slur 
You hit rock bottom and kissed the floor 

Calvary’s smile is being shrouded in tears 
As I call out to one hoping he hears
Eager he turns about and takes my hand
Cuz that’s been my one design for me – man. 

Image (c) Chronic Joy


Everything we ever had to pay because of our sins has been charged to Jesus’ account. Galatians 3:13 (The Passion Translation – TPT) says “Yet, Christ paid the full price to set us free from the curse of the law. He absorbed the curse completely as He became a curse in our place. For it is written: “Everyone who is hung upon a tree is cursed.”.

Do you condemn yourself? Does someone or something condemn you? Whenever condemnation pops its ugly head, remind it that the wage has been charged to Jesus’ account, and He has paid it all… in full.

Condemnation comes from the devil. Conviction on the other hand, comes from the Holy Spirit. Dr. K.N. Jacob shares that “as a child of God, from time to time, you will fall in sin. But there’s a difference between falling in sin and living in sin. Our consciousness in Christ can’t allow us to live in sin (1 John 3:6,9).

Now lack of condemnation is not leeway for offense. Far from it. Paul reminds us that we live by grace; yet, we mustn’t abuse this grace. He asks “…Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?” (Romans 6:1). Certainly not, I’d say.

And do you know what He who paid it all tells you today? “Go, and sin no more”. Jesus, speaking to the accused woman said, “Then neither do I condemn you… [but] go and sin no more” (John 8:11 – NKJV).

So, smile, Jesus loves you… and go, and sin no more!


(c)Image – Radio Free Babylon

We are all sick!

We are all sick. Did you read that?

Let’s make it sound healthier – we are all healing. Lol. Either way you take it, healing, healed, recovering, recovered, it remains that you got to be ailing to be healing or be healed. 😊

Before I say what I say, know this and know peace – NO ONE HAS IT ALL PUT TOGETHER. No one is perfect. Somewhere, somehow, we are all sick. Don’t only see cancer or HIV or Malaria. One could be ailing with indecision, yet another of a cheating spouse, or of recalcitrant children, or a job loss, or an unattractive life, or a terrible craving, or a sadistic boss, or a rickety car whose handles cannot stay in place, or loneliness, or manipulative friends, or ungrateful and inconsiderate relatives, or a nose dipped in debt, or a despising colleague, or a country in turmoil, or a disorderly church, or the loss of a loved one, or childlessness, or rejection, or constant lack of being understood, and the list can go on and on and on. And truth be told, all these and more gnaw into the very fabric that make who we are in the environments in which we live. These constitute the mental sanitary environment in which we live and are expected to thrive. These all contribute to our mental health.

October 10 was world mental health day. Skip the themes…cuz whether it’s our right or not, enshrined in a constitution or not, provided for by your fellow human or not, one huge tip that will help you stay sane mentally is to know that – NO ONE HAS IT ALL PUT TOGETHER!

You see that all-happy couple, that beautiful posh house owner, that CEO, that Senior MoG, No, they don’t have it all put together. Not the president, not the Director General, not the Bishop and not the Pope. NO ONE HAS IT ALL PUT TOGETHER. Save yourself the strain, pain and pressure to think that or try to want to have it all put together.

Even Jesus had His own oh. The Bible says He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. There were times He wept; times when His heart bled seeing the unbelief and perdition of men. While He was walking and working, things ‘troubled’ Him, so to speak.

As it’s often put, we all have ‘demons’ we’re struggling with.

Driving this home and musing on mental health, I recall this story I was told of this beautiful, eloquent and posh-looking woman whom a sister met at a hospital. They kept a rich conversation, and she was indeed as schooled in speech as she was in person. Then she walked to the reception and asked, “have you please given my letter to the president?”. She was very courteous. Her interlocutor answered in the negative, promising to do so with the least delay. Then she continued “I really love him, I am in no competition with his wife, but he really needs to know that I love him, so he really needs to get my letter”.


Which president? Which love? Which letter? Which competition?

You wouldn’t expect that from such a posh-looking woman, right? Some would look at her and imagine a life of heaven on earth. Who would know despite the posh and eloquence, a knot has loosened somewhere? You may expect that of someone who roams the streets, and we’d expect to see a raggedly dressed person eating from thrash, speaking technical nonsense, oozing spittle, babbling and being very incoherent.

But hello…..!!!

No one has it all put together. We are all struggling with something. The strong ones today are not those who claim to have all their shit together. The strong ones are those who can manage their shit and ensure it doesn’t desperately smear all through them.

To illustrate, I may be dealing with a heartbreak now. Me claiming my heart hasn’t ever been shred into pieces by a man born of a woman doesn’t make me strong (This will be me claiming that I have it all put together; and this is a colossal lie) 😊 and that makes me hypocritical.

Me being strong, truly being strong, is being able to grieve over, and grow out of that heartbreak – a better person – rather than let it make me bitter towards everyone who comes my way, or my family and friends, or let it break me to the point I am unable to do other work, or be productive in any other aspect.

To put it straight, this is not me bashing the right to feel pain. Feel pain. You should feel pain. I do feel pain. What I’m saying is – strength is not in claiming that you don’t feel pain. Real strength is seen in the handling of that pain.

Being strong is being real. Being real is being honest that we don’t have it all put together. Jesus was real. He faced His pains, yet thrived. He wept in the presence of others. He is the King of kings. He did not claim to have it all together. Why would/should you?

Do not look for strong people in surface happy and all put together faces. The real strength is in those who can walk you through their survival path. At the end of it, you too can keep a smiling face despite the turmoil you’re in. But then, you’d know the difference between one who puts up a smile as a mask, so you don’t know they’re facing a ‘demon’, and one who wears their smile while walking through life’s prickles.

Know this and know peace – we are all sick. No one is perfect; NO ONE HAS IT ALL PUT TOGETHER!


The Gambia six-logy 4 – The Tanji fishing village

The Tanji Fishing village is situated in the northern section of the Kombo South District, West Coast Region of The Gambia. The Gambia enjoys a very vast coastline. Fishing is one of its main economic activities. Apart from The Gambians themselves, Senegalese and Malians are amongst those making the most use of this sector.

It is beautiful watching the fishermen pull in the fishing boats to anchor; and scintillating seeing the young men rushing into the ocean, back and forth with basins of fish on their shoulders. The waves seem to boost them to work. Others are afar off into the ocean, while the women are the busiest on the shore.

“Madam come and buy your fish”, “come here, nice fish for you, fresh fish”, “my friend, won’t you buy fresh fish”, are amongst the refrains they chant to draw customers, or turn visitors like me to one 😊.

The fish is so plenty, some actually end up on the sandy shore. Well, not a waste, as the birds feed off them to their fill. With their beaks, they pick up the pieces, fly over the waters while dipping their ‘catch’ to remove the sand, and fly off ‘chewing’ I guess. Or maybe, preserving it for their young in some nest up a tree trunk.

And a more interesting part, the ‘rainbowish’ paintings of the fishing boats lined up with flags that all but lure you to touch them; feel them. How beautiful! There are many tourist attractions to, and around the fishing village you’d want to savour! This, you can add to the Kachikally museum and war heroes cemetery, or the crocodile pool or their bathroom of fertility.

And then, the Octopus out of Nat Geo😊. Ooppppsssssss! Okay, I get it. For you it’s no big deal. For me, it sure was. I got to see an octopus, live. Well, not so live, dead, but real. But…. It looked xyz.

What do you think?

Some of the fish is smoked and exported to neighbouring countries like Sierra Leone. In the fishing village, other foodstuff is sold, probably to accompany the fish in the kitchen. I didn’t see it being roasted fresh, but I’m darn sure there was such a spot I missed for time’s sake. You probably shouldn’t for anything’s sake! 😊

It was indeed a beautiful sight in which I revelled! Savour the slideshow!


(c) Image – Etsy.com
Ps. I do not own copyright to the video below (and used here for non-profit purposes). It was shared via WhatsApp some time back, and I’m sharing it to you as ‘coffee’ for the week. No, to hate! Yes, to Love and Unity!
Have a hate-free Monday and a love-full week ahead!


To the teachers who believed in us…  

This is a toast to the teachers who believed in us. I constantly think of my teachers as I blow candles and wade through life. Memories abound. I often reminisce the good ole days when I’d go to school Monday to Friday, sometimes Saturdays; times, when I’ll have to read my heart out, and deal with the anxiety of exams, and the desire not to fail any.

It’s also time when I remember the teachers that poured into me, and some who continue to. I appreciate them lots, and by the way, I’m a personal advocate for more pay for teachers at nursery/kindergarten levels compared to those at higher levels. If you ask me why, I’ll take you to one of those kindergarten schools in my city of residence. I don’t know how it obtains elsewhere, but these teachers, often women, are at the same time teachers, mothers, nannies, cleaners, jesters, and they comfortably wear every single hat that every single child has need of at a given time. And mind you, some, looking at where I come from, get a monthly pay of the paltry sum of 25,000 FCFA (approximately 35$ or 38 Euros) .

It’s World Teacher’s Day 2023. The 2023 theme is “The teachers we need for the education we want: The global imperative to reverse the teacher shortage“. Today’s not about their pay, but about their service. Times become harder as years wind by. Many I know have embraced the teaching profession not as a calling, but as a means to earn their bread. It’s more a matter of the hands than of the heart. I’ve no key issue with that. Afterall, we all thresh the grain to have some bread, right?

However, yesterday, I got talking with one of my mamas. And I asked her “what’s the best memory you have of any of your teachers?”. She searched, and the first that popped up was the best – on the negative end.

“One of my teachers once saw me hit another pupil. The next day, she publicly shamed me. She didn’t even ask what had happened. Sure, I had some fault in it, but that was not all to the story. It didn’t end there. She developed some particular hatred for me. Sometimes, when she sees me passing, since we lived around the same neighbourhood, she’d throw water on me, prompting me to cross the road. I was in class 4 about, less than 10, but I still remember that clearly”.

As my mama shared this experience that happened some 30+ years ago, I could only imagine how hurtful such bullying was, from the part of a teacher.

And then I continued my quizzing. “Besides that teacher, isn’t there any other?”

And there came this epic one, which seemed like the flipside of the first experience she’d shared … her principal. This principal seemed to right all the wrongs of her previous experience.

“I’d been wrongly dismissed for misconduct in Uppersixth (high school), and it was way into the school year. I had to get into a new school and the principal called me in and said, “if I take your file to the committee, they won’t accept you”.

My mama responded “I am not a bad child. What was said was not true and they didn’t want to hear me out; they concluded I was rebellious. If you can trust me, I will not disappoint you”.

He trusted her. He looked at her and said “I don’t know why, but I will give you a chance. Do not disappoint me”.

And that was all my mama needed. The trust; someone who believes her, and who believes in her. And he added another ingredient – encouragement. And yet another ingredient – Follow-up.

My mama shares that “I started working hard so I don’t disappoint him, and if I thought of going astray, I would remember him and realign. He will come to school and check on me. I was away from my parents, and sometimes when I felt overwhelmed or down, he would encourage me”.

“He really helped me, and because of him and the trust, I made it. When I passed my exam, he called my tutor to share the news, and he was very happy for me. I can’t recall his name, he was aged; he might be dead now, but he struck me, he believed in me, pushed me, encouraged me, and today, I am partly what I am because he believed in me”.

And he said to my mama “I did well to trust you”. My mama spoke of him with so much delight and pride.

He contributed to what she is today. He poured into her. He taught, nurtured and believed in her. These ingredients are what this generation of learners, like every other, desperately has need of.

We’re wont of teachers who see learners as a means to their pay check, because this would mean easy offense at the slightest hitch in the learning process. We need teachers who invest of themselves in us, encourage, nurture and walk alongside their students in the learning process. We  need you, dearest teacher, to hang on, not give up on us, even when we’re at our worst. In fact, at such times, we need you the most.

Like my mama’s principal, we need you to believe in us!

Cheers to the teachers who despite the odds, believed in us. Thanks to you, we are what we are today!

(c) Image – Dream Foundation

Coffee with Jesus – No righteous one

Many are we who look at the spec in another’s eye yet forget the log in ours. The point is not to ignore the spec because we don’t want our log to be unveiled. The point is the heart with which we point out the spec in our brother’s eye. Is it out of compassion or condemnation? Are you always quick, or the first to ‘cast the stone’? Ecclesiastes 7:20 – “Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins”. The truth remains that none is righteous – all have sinned – and the way out is to live in and with mercy. As James 2:13 puts it: “because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment”. Have compassion, have mercy in your heart; and you’ll show mercy by your actions. SELAH!

(C) Image – Radio Free Babylon

The Gambia Six-logy 3 – The Kachikally Museum and war heroes cemetery

The Kachikally museum is located close to the Kachikally crocodile pool and its bathroom of fertility, at the heart of Bakau, Gambia, some 16km from the capital Banjul. The museum houses clippings about The Gambia and how WWII was lived by this coastal country’s ancestors.

In a beautiful spot in Serekunda, you will see the Fajara War Heroes Cemetery! It contains at least 200 graves of those who perished in the 2nd world war, including Gambians. The Gambia, like many coastal African countries has a thick record with colonial history. Territories in West Africa, including The Gambia, were used for recruiting and training men for the warring armies. The Gambians were also part of the Royal West African Frontier Forces (RWAFF) and died whilst serving in West Africa. Besides Gambians, those interred in the cemetery are of different nationalities (British, Canadian, etc.).  

The Fajara War Cemetery is maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

But, to keep the memories alive, there is a museum in Kachikally where there are relics of those war heroes. Clippings of The Gambians who were world heroes adorn a good part of the museum!

Do well to visit, you never know! Your great great grandfather may have been a world war hero too. Who knows! 😊

If you must look…

If you must look, look you may 
In the creaks of your face for love refined
That lukewarm smear that says its fine
When drippings dear, reveal but grime

If you must look, look you may
Look past my face, dig deep in soul
Search till you find the eerie lord
That drives the will through upbeat paths

If you must look, look you may
See through the glass, mirror you
Look past my eyes and behold yours
See flowers and fears dine on the floors
In creepy slurs of wisdom's boughs

If you must look, look you may
Look far and nigh till Jove you see
And there behold the naked you
Void of life's tartar, grime and slur.

Image (c) Steemit

What percentage of God are you manifesting? – Pst. Eliud Garcia

This message was taught by Pastor Eliud Garcia of Freedom Life Church, Mission, Texas, USA, during Sunday’s church service at Living Word Fellowship International, Yaoundé, Cameroon. You can listen to the message here; or read below for the recap! God bless you!

The four seasons in which God sows

God always sows. There are 4 seasons in which He sows in.

1. A season where you didn’t care much. You hear the Word but won’t do anything and that is where the enemy comes and seizes it.

2. A season where you feel you are not committed. You hear the Word with joy but have no intention of putting it into practice. You count the cost and say I amn’t doing that.

God stills sows into us. The fact that we are unfaithful doesn’t make Him same.

3. A season where we are preoccupied with stuff; when Jesus is no longer the first in your life. Money, career, family, position become first. We’re not saying that these things are sinful, but when God is no longer first and these things take His place, the Bible says it chokes us and does not allow us manifest the presence of God that is inside of us. A better car, a new phone, a new job ….

4. A season where we produce harvest. This harvest is not about stuff. Not money, career, clothes, houses, not material things. It’s about His presence. What % of God’s presence are you revealing? 30, 60, 100%?

What percentage of God’s presence do you reveal?

Jesus said some will produce 30, 60 or 100. These are representative figures for the level at which we produce. Some of us are at 5 or 12%. We know this because Jesus said we will be known by our fruits. It doesn’t matter how spiritual we are, or dance and shout. If we don’t have fruits, then nothing shows for.

Note that the seed does not change in this narrative. It remains the seed. In everyone, a seed has been deposited. That seed is CHRIST. And when God deposits that seed in your life, and you get born-again and receive Christ, you have everything you need for life.

We often look at our outward to fill our inward and that will never work. God has sown the seed in the inward and it is what you need to fulfil your outward. It has all what it takes for you to live a joyful and abundant life. John 10:10 – Jesus came to give us an abundant life.  

What percentage do you need to have for your family, marriage, career, perspective to be transformed? What % do you need for your community, nation to change? What % do you need for that healing?

Many of us live a life of worry and anxiety. That seed inside of you carries faith, not worry. And when we add worry to the seed, it prevents the seed from manifesting out.

Do you know the seed?

The seed is CHRIST. You have to know your seed. The Bible says if you don’t know who lives in you, you’d just be a “Christian”. Colossians 2:9-10. The entire divinity lives in us. Elohim, El Shaddai, Jehovah lives in me. All what you need, Elohim, Rapha, the great God lives in you.

The seed is the same for the poor and the rich.

It doesn’t matter where you live, whether you be a man or woman, educated or uneducated, no one has an advantage over the other. The seed is the seed, and everyone has the opportunity to grow, develop and become someone great and fulfil the prophecy like in Genesis 12:2-3. He only makes the seed/deposit in you great.

The higher our percentage of the seed manifested in us, the more impact we have.

Apostle Paul says if we have more percentage, more of Him coming out of us, we’d have more impact in our community. In our churches, we have people who are obese. They keep on eating, feeding from sermons, training, teachings and are fat. They never work out, they don’t exercise all what they have consumed. They listen and do nothing about what they have heard.

In our churches, we have people who are spiritually obese.

He is not impressed by how much you worship Him in church, but rather what you do out there. That is what really counts.

Jesus was impressed by the Centurion who demonstrated faith. The centurion was not a member of the “church”, but he had heard what Jesus was doing, and he acted on that. This impressed Jesus. The centurion had walked home knowing, believing and in faith and he saw it done. How many of us go home, believing that Jesus will do what He has promised He will do?

God is not impressed by what you know or hear, but by what you do.

Praying in ignorance

We often pray – “God give me more faith, God I want more love, more patience” – these sound very spiritual but to be kindly candid, they are prayers of ignorance because you do not know who lives in you. JESUS says: “I can give you more faith. But how about you use the faith you have now?”

God cannot give you more love. He has already given you all – Jesus; and He lives in you. He cannot give you more victory, or more faith or more more. In Christ Jesus, He has given you all these already. And these, are all locked inside of you, waiting for you to let it grow out, reveal itself.

Rather pray – “Lord help me; show me what’s keeping my faith, love from manifesting. Is it anger, bitterness, jealousy, pride?

Creation’s ardent expectation

You must change your mindset if you need to change your community. If you do not understand who lives in you, then you cannot effect change out there.

Creation is waiting for you, not God. God has already done all what He had to do. He said, it is finished. That your friend, colleague, drunkard neighbour, addict, is waiting for you to come and show them the way out. We are the light of the world, the salt of the earth. We are meant to be put on top of the table, to shine light out for others.

What percentage of God do you need to change, transform their lives? They are waiting for you. God is waiting for you.

The greatest breakthrough

Your greatest breakthrough is not demons, not principalities, not witchcraft, not your boss, spouse, kids. – Colossians 2:15.

Your greatest breakthrough you will ever have is inside of you.

We are limiting God because we continue to blame the outside world which according to us is preventing what is inside us from coming out. But Jesus said on the cross, it is finished. And Colossians 2:15 details how finished it is. ‘Pastor’ Paul got the revelation of what that meant – it is finished.

Victory over struggles

What are you struggling with? Addiction, depression, homosexuality, anger, – it has been stripped of its power and publicly paraded, just like the Roman soldiers made a public show of defeated kings.

“Then Jesus made a public spectacle of all the powers and principalities of darkness, stripping away from them every weapon and all their spiritual authority and power to accuse us. And by the power of the cross, Jesus led them around as prisoners in a procession of triumph”. – TPT

Whenever any of these things show their nose, tell them, they have no authority over you.

The harvest of His presence

The parable of the sower is indeed the harvest of His presence. He said “if you hear My voice and receive My voice” – receiving is an action, to do something. And Jesus said if you hear, you do something about it and keep on doing something about it, He will bring a harvest.

A fruit true doesn’t grow in one night. It will be foolish to say, “I prayed for a week and nothing has happened; I have been faithful for a month or a year and my family has not changed”. We wouldn’t act that way with a mango tree; let’s say you come in a week and say “oh, no mangoes”. You won’t come toward the tree and say “oh it’s been 3 months I planted you, why are there no fruits?”.

But, we do that with God. It is foolish to do so with ordinary things, how much more foolish with God.

The shift will come. Keep on watering your tree. Remove the weeds, put the fertiliser, keep away the bugs [the friends that speak ill of the church], keep them away from the mango tree. One of the reasons why we do not produce and do not allow the seed to come out is because we allow bugs to be around out mango tree.

Everything created for God’s purpose

Every power and else was created for His purpose. In Colossians 1:16, Paul says every authority has been conquered.

God created angels for His purpose and they went their way – they went rogue and became evil. God will still use them for His purpose. He will still use the trial, the tribulation for His purpose. He will still use that to make the seed in you come forth. And that seed is CHRIST.


So, what percentage of God’s presence is coming out of you? 01, 05, 10, 20, 30, 50, 60, 90, 100? The Bible says, by their fruits, we shall them.

If you don’t have fruits yet, keep on watering, fertilising, training, pruning and the fruit will come.

The answer to this world is not in the world. It is in the SEED that you carry. There is giant inside of you that wants to flow. Let it flow!!!


God, what are some barriers in my heart that are keeping You from flowing, from coming out? Is it my fears, insecurities, actions? May we remove those barriers so that love, faith, patience and all what is needed will flow from us so that we can transform ourselves, families and communities for Jesus.


Image (c) LWFI

One thing you probably missed about the Proverbs 31 wife

Some days back, I was reading a commentary on Proverbs 31 and there is this line that struck me. It was a commentary from the Mom’s devotional Bible and titled “I will never be that perfect”. The commentary was on the perfect wife in Proverbs 31, and how we all wish we were her. And the line that stood out is : “By the way, reread verse 15. She had servants. HELLO!!!”


Our model virtuous wife had servants oh. In my Cameroonian style….. somebody cannot come and kee themselves. Hehehhehe

Wait, she had a servant? Nope. There’s an “s”, which stands for “plural” in English grammar. 😊

The book of Proverbs doesn’t say how many she had but the “s” would mean she had MORE THAN ONE servant.  

A quick check through the Bible reveals many in time past had servants. Sarah had some, and Hagar war given to her as a maidservant (Gen 16:1). Rebekah, Isaac’s wife, was also sent into her husband’s house with her nurse and maids (Gen 24:49 & Gen 24:61). Rachel also had a maid (Gen 30:3), likewise Leah.

In Luke 8:2-3, there are some women who supported Jesus’ ministry with their “substance”. Given they walked all the time with Jesus, I deduce they wouldn’t have been able to have “substance”, if they didn’t have people working for them and/or helping them back home.  

So what’s my take? As hardworking as the Proverbs 31 wife was, she pulled it all together, also because she had servants. She didn’t do it all alone. She had HELP. You too, if you need, and can, should get HELP.

This is not a free ticket to idleness or laziness. No, the Proverbs 31 wife wasn’t lazy. She was hardworking, and SHE HAD HELP.

Sometimes, the problem comes from within. Admitting one needs help is not a show of weakness. This I say, because some of us womenfolk would never want to seek or get help because we fear we will be perceived as weak and lazy. Well, my dear, most times, you cannot pull it off all by yourself. Get help!

And my dear mister, she may think she’s got it all under control. Observe keenly, and if need be, as it most times is, enable; support her to get help.

Besides internal Kung-fu on the subject, I know quite a number of couples where hell lets loose if the wife requests for extra help. If bashing doesn’t come from her spouse, it comes from maybe friends, family, in-laws and society. Unfortunately, most of the critics don’t put hands to the plough when need arises! 

I’m not saying also that all womenfolk should now go clinging on their spouse’s neck to get a maidservant or house-help. Each according to their reality; each according to how far their hands can stretch.

There is no pride in unnecessary suffering. Work hard, but work smart!

My take is this: if you need to, and can, then you definitely should. Getting help is not/shouldn’t be a TABOO. If the pitch-perfect model Proverbs 31 wife needed/had help, how much more you in this topsy-turvy world of ours today?

Image (c) Lovelytocu/Dreamtime